Here you will find a summary of the (online) programs that I offer. The programs are available in both Dutch and English. Please click on the buttons for more information.


Soul session

If you are not yet ready for a healing journey, a single session may be a great option for you. During this session I tune into the energy of your soul to discover who you really are at soul level and which limitations you can let go of in order to embrace your true essence.

With the help of intuitive coaching, we delve deeper into your potential, wishes and dreams. The purpose of the session is to empower you and give you more direction in your true self and the path your heart wants you to take.

During the session we create a safe and supportive environment in which you can open up and dive deeper into your inner world. By listening to what your soul wants to tell you and becoming aware of your own strengths and talents, I help you take steps towards the life that really suits you. Together we explore the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead of you, so that you can continue on your path of personal growth and self-discovery with renewed energy and confidence.

The session always ends with a healing treatment offering you a sense of deep relaxation and ready to face to world.

Head to Heart


This special program with 1 on 1 hypnotherapy sessions is designed for you if you notice that you mainly live in your head and may not be in touch with your feelings and intuition. Maybe you are a sensitive person, but you don't even realise it yet.

Losing the connection with your intuition can lead to fear or anxiety. Fear or anxiety often arises as a coping mechanism, where you mainly learn to live from your head and lose the connection with your heart. Through my own experience and years of expertise as a hypnotherapist, I have learned that healing starts with returning to your heart and from there living the way you were meant to.

With the help of hypnotherapy we work with the subconscious mind and remove blockages, so that you can become the person you truly are. Through these sessions you can learn to balance your head and heart, making you more in touch with your intuition and feelings.

The goal is to help you live from your true self and resolve any anxiety. With the right guidance and techniques you can reconnect with your inner strength and free yourself from obstructive thoughts and emotions.

12 weeks

Self love circle

Self-love is the basis of everything that is good in life. It all starts with loving yourself first. Many of the problems we encounter, both in our daily lives and in our self-perception, stem from a lack of self-love. By not valuing ourselves enough, we doubt our own worth and don't feel safe to truly be ourselves.

In the self-love circle we meet online weekly to work on the three essential aspects of self-love. We learn to believe that we are good enough, that we are worthy of love, and that we are safe enough to be ourselves without fear of rejection or judgment. By cultivating these three aspects, we can develop a deeper sense of self-worth and ultimately experience more love and compassion for ourselves and others. It is a journey of self-discovery and growth that helps us to flourish and reach our true potential.

Exclusive 1 year

Soul Awakening program

Do you feel like you are in an awakening process and could use some help? Then my exclusive 1-year program might be something for you. I know from experience that this process can be difficult and lonely and fortunately I was able to use my experience as a therapist to support myself in this. Now I want to use this experience to help others who are going through a similar process.

The ultimate goal of this program is to no longer look for true freedom, love and happiness outside yourself, but to find this within yourself. This way you can experience a real Soul Awakening and get to the core of your true self. This program is intensive and will challenge you to undergo deep inner transformations, but ultimately you will be rewarded with a deeper understanding of yourself and a greater connection to your own essence. 

Online programs

(Dutch & English)

Empower yourself

This online program to heal your inner child and step into your power is designed to help you feel more empowered.  It contains videos and 4 hypnosis audios that you can use at home to delve deeper into your subconscious mind. With this program you will take an important step towards self-love and self-acceptance and to become the powerful and radiant person you have always been deep inside.

This program is available in English and Dutch.

Manifest 3.0

This is an intensive online program specifically designed to help you transform and manifest from your heart. Over a period of 6 months you will be guided step by step through various modules, with a new module being made available every month. During this period you will also have the opportunity to have personal coaching calls with me, where I will guide and support you in your transformation process. 

This program is available in English and Dutch.

Let's Connect

Feel free to Connect during a free 30min Connection Call.

I would love to meet you!

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